How to Figure Out What Your Boundaries Are

Let’s be honest, people are really good about telling us we “should” have better boundaries and while to some extent we know this, however the hang up with boundaries has more to do with our fear around hurting someone else’s feelings, making them feel bad, being perceived as unkind, harmful or like a bitch/asshole, or our underlying fears of rejection and abandonment, then it does from the knowledge we need them. 

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How to Stop Seeking the Approval of Others

What depth are you willing to go to get the love and approval of others? One of the things I’ve searched for everywhere in my life was the love and approval of others.  It took me to some pretty dark and wildly intense places.  Maybe it was because of the shame I carried, or the guilt I felt for my past actions and choices, or the self-judgment I used against 

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How to Tell if You're In an Abusive Relationship

Abuse damages people to the core in a variety of ways. It disrupts their feeling of safety, erode’s their sense of security and violates their trust. On the other hand even though “normal relationship dysfunction/conflict” may irritate and even infuriate you at times, it doesn’t have the same long lasting emotional, psychological and mental impact that abuse has on someone.

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